The Nebraska School District Property Tax Lookup Tool is updated and working!

For reference, in 2020 individuals got a credit on their Nebraska for 6% of the total amount of your real estate taxes paid that went toward the school (hence, the reason for the lookup tool, to be able to determine that amount).
For 2021, it went to 25.3%. So, will be worth the effort more so this year. It is for TAXES PAID during 2021. If you paid 2020 real estate taxes (assessed in 2020, due in 2021) and ALSO 2021 real estate taxes (assessed in 2021, due in 2022), you get credit for BOTH payments, as long as they were made in 2021.
If we looked up the credit for you last year, we kept your parcel numbers on file, and you won’t need to bring them to us again.
Here’s the link to the lookup tool: